Read Club, home of the bilingual superstars
ReadClub, home of the bilingual superstars

Little Stories

Available in English, Spanish, French, German, Russian

by Altai Zeinalov, author and founder of Diveo Media

Writing and creating fairy tales for children, we fulfill our mission - to carry the good for the smallest and most important inhabitants of this world. Each of our work - an attempt to make the world of kids brighter and warmer.

A Fun Walk
A Fun Walk

One day, a curious wombat goes for a walk. Along the way, they meet strange animals with important life lessons. Find out what each animal teaches the wombat in this wild and wacky adventure!

A Guest On A Farm
A Guest On A Farm

What do a towering giraffe and a little farmer have to teach one another? And how will they help each other learn about the joys of sharing? Find out in this tale of farmyard friendship.

Brighter Than A Star
Brighter Than A Star

How do you know what makes you special? Where is that special spark that will light the fire within you? A clue to this puzzle is in your hand. Everyone can find the answer, even a little firefly.

Don't Cock Your Nose
Don't Cock Your Nose

When you are too stubborn, it’s difficult to stay out of trouble. You may be given good advice, but you won’t take it because you’re into yourself too much. It is not right, and this story clearly explains it.

Forest School
Forest School

Should knowledge be accessible to all? It seems reasonable. But at times you will find some animals who want to keep knowledge only for themselves. If only they knew how much trouble their haughtiness could bring.

Growing A Garden
Growing A Garden

A brother and sister learn that you can’t expect a beautiful garden to simply appear overnight. You need to practice patience everyday, and if you do this and work hard then good things will come to those who wait.

The Lonely Puppy
The Lonely Puppy

Scruffy is an untidy little puppy that nobody wants to play with. But if you can look beyond appearances and truly give someone a chance, you might find a special friend under all that messy fur.

The Union Of Three Planets
The Union Of Three Planets

Creativity is bound up with our lives. However, few people understand how closely they are connected to each other. If you are lucky enough to discover the three mysterious planets you’ll unearth this mystery. Good luck to the explorers!

Hello Puddle!
Hello Puddle!

What’s good about rain? It feeds the plants, gives freshness to the animals and makes the air so fresh. There is something else – the rain brings puddles. What’s good about puddles? You’ll learn from the fairy tale.

How To Follow Your Dream
How To Follow Your Dream

What challenges would you overcome in the pursuit of your dream? Embark on a daring adventure as a brave young squirrel tries to climb the tallest tree in the forest. Challenges await at every step!

The Imaginary Island
The Imaginary Island

Some kids don't like taking a bath, but after this adventurous story, they will. Let a little elephant help you turn the bathtub into a sea. And the foam? That becomes an imaginary island!

Not Like Everyone Else
Not Like Everyone Else

Can a bored young sheep liven up the usual routines on the farm? Will it cause trouble? A fun story about trying new things and how you don’t always have to follow the crowd.

The Fruit Kingdom
The Fruit Kingdom

A world filled with fruit is splendid. Those who live there, rejoice in the diverse colors and tastes day after day. However, someone is longing for a sweeter life. Let’s see what happens.

True Friendship
True Friendship

It is so good to have real friends. They share your joy and your sorrow and help you in your hour of need. Above all, everything you do is much more pleasant when you do it with your friends – especially if it is sport.

Who Is The First?
Who Is The First?

Sometimes friends can’t decide who is the best or the first among them. The answer is obvious – the one who is not afraid to sacrifice himself for his friends’ sake and is always ready to help is the first among all.


Classic Fairy Tales


Diveo Media

Esther Leung Kong

Sokheap Heng


At ReadClub we turn bored kids into bilingual kids, by teaching them to read, all through stories.